Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So many thoughts..

SO Stressed out.
Last night I was talking to Gabe about something I read up on, on another blogging site. The lady talked about how she raises money for the walk and whatever extra, she then helps her friends with. This means we all have to raise the donation on our own not as a team, as I thought I had heard. Gabe thinks that's to much, but I told him I won't let something like that stop me. I will stand in front of Wal-Mart and Safeway or even do a bake sale to get donations. I have until October anyway!

I am looking for creative ways to raise money. I know about scratch cards and coupon cards and even bake sales. I just read about a lady who used business cards as she walked. I asked to see a mini copy of it so I can get an idea as well.

I won't let this be the one thing that stops me from doing the walk.

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  1. I totally think the "business card" thing is a great idea. OvernightPrints.com is offering 100 FREE business cards right now with coupon code: BIZPREM100 ; all you pay is shipping!
